Copyright Synergy Personal Training. 2009
Your Partnership With Fitness

My name is Celia Dowie the owner and Personal Trainer for Synergy. I provide Personal Training and Lifestyle Consultancy services.

Qualified, experienced and insured, with a great range of packages and payment options, there really is something to suit everyone.

Synergy offers a tailored and personal approach to everyone's health and fitness needs!

Why choose Synergy Personal Training Services?


Synergy will train you in a modern, fully equipped, private training studio, has structured exercise and nutritional programmes to meet your individual needs, provides regular testing and monitoring for all fitness levels as well as:

• Tailored Programs for Busy Lifestyles.
• Resistance Training for Burning Fat, Building Strength & Sculpting Muscle.
• Weight Training for Enhanced Running Performance.
• Nutrition & Weight Management Advice.

Synergy focuses on getting you, "the body you want" through exercise, nutrition and lifestyle. Personal training includes motivational techniques, one-to-one training, personalised nutritional analysis, action plans and innovative tools to help you succeed.

Over a number of years I have compiled the best exercises and nutritional information for burning fat, and re-shaping your body. Combining this, I have created Synergy. Synergy will help you maximise fat loss, reshape your body, push your fitness levels further than before and tone and tighten your muscles to achieve a firmer body.

There will be no long, steady, cardio exercises which drain the body, or pointless weights exercises. Each session is designed specifically to the individual and their needs, to give the desired results. Your bespoke training programme will fire up your metabolism (assisting with fat loss outside of our sessions) and work multiple muscles, specifically the major muscle groups, which in turn will burn large numbers of fat cells.


The fact that you have taken the time to check out my website means that you are already thinking about improving your health and fitness!

Thank you for visiting the Synergy Personal Training Website!